My passion for coding started when I created fan sites for music artists in my youth, using drag-and-drop
platforms like Angelfire and Geocities*, and later teaching myself HTML and CSS. After going to
school for PR and becoming a project manager-turned-product manager for 11 years, I realized it was time
for a career change and enrolled in an immersive software development course with a focus on full-stack
web development.
Now, as a software engineer, I'm building full-stack, dynamic web applications, applying the professional
skills I've developed over the years, and—more
importantly—finally pursuing that childhood passion of mine.
*Yes, I’m dating myself here.
LLM-powered English learning flashcard web application
Five-member hackathon team project using JavaScript, ExpressJS,
Firebase, Gemini AI, React, Redux, Material UI
Second Place - App Academy Summer 2024 Hackathon: AI for
Social Good
Plant marketplace community platform
Solo project using JavaScript, ExpressJS, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, React, Redux, Amazon Web
Services (AWS), Stripe
Pet-friendly business review platform
Three-member group project using Python, Flask, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, React, Redux, Google
Maps API,
Languages & Frameworks
Other Tools & Technologies
When I'm Not Coding...
I'm caring for 50+ plants.
I'm spending time with my dogs.
I'm experimenting with recipes or finding the best eats
in town.
...all while unapologetically jamming to Taylor Swift.